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摘要:為了了解幼兒園被忽視幼兒的現狀及原因從而改善被忽視幼兒處境,研究者本市三所不同層次的幼兒園中通過同伴提名法確定了被忽視幼兒,并對他們進行了實地觀察,同時通過對三所幼兒園的42名老師發放問卷,來更完善得了解被忽視兒的形成原因。觀察和調查得到的結果顯示:被忽視幼兒在園獨自,小團體和大集體三中不同情況下的最常見狀態分別是專心從事某項活動,與人交流和專心從事某項活動;獨自狀態下和與人交流狀態下的被忽視幼兒的具體表現是不一樣的,被忽視幼兒的交流得到的回應率不高,并且以語言交流為主;同時,不同層級的幼兒園中被忽視幼兒的個體差異是不一樣的;另外,被忽視幼兒同時也被老師忽視,不同層級的幼兒園的老師心中的理想幼兒具有一定的差異性。被忽視幼兒的成因主要是從幼兒自身因素,教師因素,家庭背景和文化因素以及同伴因素這四個方面來分析。針對研究結論,研究者即從幼兒,教師,家庭文化和家園合作四個方面給出了建議。 關鍵詞:教育公平,幼兒園被忽視幼兒
Abstract:To be clear about the situation of neglected children and find out the reason of it, the investigator observed 20 neglected children with a form which classified 3 conditions and conduct a survey of 42 teachers in different kindergartens to assist in finding the factors of the neglected children. The result shows that: in the condition of lonely, team and collective, the children’s performs are various; the usual perform is concentrating on doing something and communicating with somebody; the rate of the response is low and the most mode of communicate is language; at the same time , individual diversity of neglected children are existing in the kindergarten at different levels ;the desirable children in the teachers’ mind are different. The reason of neglected children is not only in themselves but also about the circumstance which around the other children and teacher. Key words: education equity neglected children