

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:勤勞小蜜蜂 更新時間:2013-12-20
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      ABSTRACT:Punching die has been widely use in industrial production. In the traditional industrial production, the worker work very hard and there is too much work, so the efficiency is low. With the development of the science and technology nowadays, the use of punching die in the industrial production gain more attention , and be used in the industrial production more and more. Stamping mould various block material technology also into actual production, stamping mould can greatly improve labor productivity and could alleviate the work burden, so it has significant meaning.

         This paper is focus on both the analysis of pressing techniques of the aluminium and the design of the specific structure of mould. Reflect the complete contents of the following:

          (1) It is a must to base on the technical analysis of the aluminium , and then choose a best craft procedure to a give project. Carried out the calculation and design process, select the basic process, determine its order, the number of processes and so on.

         (2) Shows the main components of the design concept, detailed analysis of the design process, some of the ideas, and some non-standard parts to use features. Expounded station progressive die design features, product quality to meet technical requirements.

         (3) Stamping die design of the main parts of the structure. It had given the layout diagram of parts in the design, and given in the location design, punching force calculation and the calculation of center of pressure.

         (4)Use of the computer a lot of calculations, while the design of a variety of structures were sketching, with the final CAD drawing software to draw out the important part drawings and at the same time to complete the selection of a variety of standard parts.

      Keywords:Aluminium;Multi-worker location;Punching press;Grade enter;Punch die


      上傳會員 勤勞小蜜蜂 對本文的描述:沖壓模具是沖壓生產必不可少的工藝裝備,是技術密集型產品。沖壓件的質量、生產效率以及生產成本等,與模具設計和制造有直接關系。模具設計與制造技術水平的高低,是衡量一個......
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