

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:你好,學長 更新時間:2013-11-16
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      摘要:現代企業財務管理中的杠桿問題, 是隨著財務管理理論研究的進一步深化提出的。現代企業財務會計中的杠桿有營業杠桿與財務杠桿之分, 二者在屬性方面都屬于客觀存在,認識和掌握杠桿屬性對于提高財務管理水平有重要的意義。本文通過對經營杠桿和財務杠桿的分析, 并以房地產行業中的萬科為例,分析其財務杠桿的應用,引導企業要認真研究分析并利用財務杠桿和經營杠桿原理, 加強對企業的經營管理, 盡量避免風險, 為股東創造更大的收益。

      關鍵詞: 財務杠桿,經營杠桿,企業,風險,收益


      Abstract:In the modern enterprise financial management, the lever’ problems are proposed with the deepen development of further financial management theory. There are two leverage in the financial management, and one is financial leverage, the other is operating leverage. Both of them are objective existed. Understanding and mastering the lever properties is very important to enhance the lever of financial management. Based on the analysis of two leverages and the real estate industry in Vanke,the passage guide the managers to seriously study the analysis and the use of financial leverage and the operating leverage so that strengthen the management of enterprises, and avoid the risk as far as possible in order to create greater shareholder returns.

      Key Words:financial leverage,operating leverage,enterprise, risk, income




      上傳會員 你好,學長 對本文的描述:本文通過對經營杠桿和財務杠桿的分析, 并以房地產行業中的萬科為例,分析其財務杠桿的應用,引導企業要認真研究分析并利用財務杠桿和經營杠桿原理, 加強對企業的經營管理, 盡量......
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