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摘要:在我國國民經濟發展中,中小企業的重要性日益突出。而中小型注冊會計師事務所既是中小企業的組成部分,同時也是為中小企業提供會計專業服務的機構。他們的發展問題也開始備受關注。首先,發展注冊會計師中小事務所是中小企業發展的需要,中小事務所經營成本低、專業特色突出、服務角色靈活的優勢,更能適應數量大、規模小、種類多、經營相對單一的中小企業;其次,發展是中小注冊會計師事務所自身生存的需要。 鑒于此,中小型注冊會計師事務所發展問題的研究就具有非常重要的理論意義和現實意義。本文擬以此為研究對象,在探索中小型注冊會計師事務所發展優劣勢問題的基礎上,思考推進中小型會計事務所可持續發展、做大做強的方法與對策。 關鍵詞:中小會計師事務所;發展;做大做強
Abstract:In the development of our country's national economy, small and medium-sized enterprise has become an important part, and small and medium-sized registered public accounting firm not only is part of the small and medium-sized enterprises, but also provide accounting professional service for small and medium-sized enterprises. They also began to concern about the development. First, middle and small firm is the need of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and small and medium-sized accounting firms have the advantages of low cost, professional and flexible, which can adapt to the need of lager number of small and medium-sized enterprises; then, Development is the need of small and medium-sized firms' own living, In view of this, to study the development of small and medium-sized registered public accounting firm has important theoretical significance and practical significance. This paper to as the research object, exploring small and medium-sized registered public accounting firm in the development of its advantages and disadvantages, and on this basis ,think about how to make middle and small accounting firm bigger and stronger. Key Words:small and medium-sized accounting firm, development, bigger and stronger
會計師事務所的做大和做強是一個辯證的統一體,大而不強,是空有其表;強而不大,難以生存于競爭激烈的會計服務市場。做大與做強已成為中小會計師事務所對未來發展的公式,但要如何實現做大做強這個目標,中小會計事務所必須從苦練內功開始,不斷提高服務質量。保持旺盛的核心競爭力。在本文也已提到中小會計師事務所做大做強遇到的問題與對策,要加強內部治理,不斷開拓業務,充分開發人力資源和提升質量控制,并且也涉及到中小會計事務所利潤分配和風險防范的問題。除此之外,事務所要堅持誠信是根本,規范是基礎的執業理念,樹立團隊精神觀念,營造特色文化的氛圍,建立品牌優勢,而且要不斷增強自身創新能力,不斷地適應市場環境及國家政策變化,實現多方位發展、可持續發展。 一個好的會計事務所,其業務范圍可以擴展到全國和海外,可以在不同經濟體中游刃有余地開展業務,并可以做到標準劃一,質量保證,政令暢通,有著超強的控制力。中小事務所要達到這種規模,要朝這方面的努力去做大做強,須是任重而道遠。