

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:劉教授 更新時間:2014-02-27
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      關鍵詞  內源融資;外源融資;債券;融資租賃


      Abstract:Over the past few years, the technology-based SMEs have become an important part of the national economy, which is a focus of China's economic transformation. However, the financing problems have been greatly made China's SMEs puzzled and there is no exception for science and technology enterprises. There are a variety of corporate finance channels. However, with the increasing of economic development and scientific and technological enterprises, financing problems appeared. Some enterprises use channels for financing, which is not fit for his company will affect the effect of corporate finance. The faultiness of the guarantee system will greatly hinder the normal financing. Government neglects some science and technology enterprises, which makes the enterprise has no more favorable financing. The growth of the private lending market has increased the demand for science and technology enterprises. However, financing environment has affected the development of business. The function of the bank credit is directly related to the role of corporate loans. Enterprise's own problem is fundamental. In order to improve these financing problems, it is necessary to integrate theory with practice. Try best to proceed from the practical problems, and propose targeted solutions.

         This paper is researched under the background of SMEs. It mainly takes advantage of the existing research results at home and abroad. It analyzes the current financing situation of Jiangsu GMMEI high-tech Development Co., Ltd combined with the current financing situation of SMEs at home and abroad. So as to put forward the problems of the company, and propose effective countermeasures to improve the company’s financing difficulties. 

      Keywords  Endogenous financing  Exogenous financing  Bonds  Financing lease


      上傳會員 劉教授 對本文的描述:本文以科技型中小企業為研究背景,主要利用國內外已有的研究成果,結合國內科技型中小企業的融資現狀,分析江蘇格美高科技發展有限公司的融資現狀,提出該公司在融資上存在的......
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