

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:喜歡天天 更新時間:2014-02-28
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      關鍵詞 天地科技;償債能力分析;指標;資產負債表


      Abstract:With the continuous development of market economy, Debt management has become a modern enterprise business strateg。 Debt management can not only solve the shortage of  enterprise funds, but also produce financial leverage effect.At the same time,it will bring more benefits to the business owner.So debt management of an enterprise is  very real and necessary. From the point of itself and stakeholders,The ability of the business due for repayment of its debt is very important. The ability of the  enterprises ability to repay debt relates to the survival of enterprises, Affect the credibility of enterprises, credit and operational ability. Visible, Solvency  Analysis enterprises to improve their solvency, is of great significance for the healthy development of enterprises.

         In this paper, the World Technology Co., Ltd. 2009-2012 financial information includes the use of ratio analysis, analysis of the ability of the company's solvency.  From the analysis of short-term solvency and long-term solvency analysis and combined with the current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio; asset-liability ratio, long-term  debt ratio, interest coverage ratio and other indicators and analysis of the company's debt repayment ability,this paper point out its problems, and then propose  improvements.

      Keywords  Heaven and Earth Science and Technology solvency analysis indicators balance sheet


      上傳會員 喜歡天天 對本文的描述:通過對償債能力的理論的了解,結合分析了天地科技的償債能力,得出該公司是主要以舉債經營為主的上市公司,公司有過多的負債,導致企業的短期償債能力和長期償債能力較弱,本......
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