

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:soso 更新時間:2014-04-26
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      關鍵詞 高校貸款;貸款風險;防范對策


      Abstract:The 2012 financial education expenditure in China accounted for the proportion of GDP reached 4%, while China's expenditure on education has increased year by year, but this did not satisfy the development of education in our country needs, since our country education reform began, most colleges and universities have been on loan to solve the funding problem encountered in the development of. High colleges and universities in China have loan phenomenon, most colleges and universities is to extend loans. In the loan process, due to various reasons, inevitably because the loan repayment, and produce a lot of risk. 

         This text from the three aspects of University, government, bank, for the bank loan risk causes, risks and countermeasures are analyzed. How to resolve the demand, the government's responsibility to put in place, how to credit management of banks to do, on issues related to bank loans analyzed one by one. Loan risk widely exists in various colleges and universities, this paper selects the Ningxia University as a case, through the study of the Ningxia University, discusses how to prevent loan risk, the risk problem in the process of loan, and put forward reasonable suggestions.

      Keywords:   University loan; Loan risk; Countermeasures

      上傳會員 soso 對本文的描述:高校的運營經費來源主渠道是政府的撥款與學費的收入,在解決人員經費,教學科研和學科建設等公用支出以后,資金的結余非常有限,但是銀行貸款的使用是有一定的成本的,高校的......
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