

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:li145533 更新時間:2014-06-20
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      摘 要:爆發于美國的金融危機對全球的經濟產生了災難性的影響。在金融危機的大背景下,企業紛紛受到不同程度的影響,我國企業也難逃此厄運。財務管理作為企業組織財務活動、處理與各方面財務關系的一項經濟管理工作,其目標就是通過籌資、投資、資本運營以及盈余分配等管理過程,達到規范企業的財務行為,加強財務風險的控制,最終使企業的價值最大化的目的。在這樣的情況下,應該發揮其作用來引導我們走出困境。而目前我國很多企業的財務風險意識薄弱,對籌資、投資的決策隨意性也較大。面對金融危機準備不足,以致在危機面前毫無辦法,只能倉促應對,使企業經營舉步維艱,面臨較大的風險。我們必須對企業財務管理狀況進行有效分析和探索,從而有針對性地建立持續有效的財務管理體系,以求以后如果再遇金融危機,企業有更好的對策應對。




      ABSTRACT:The Financial crisis erupted in the United States had a disastrous effect on the global economy. In the backdrop of the financial crisis, companies have been affected in varying degrees; China's enterprises can not escape this doom. Financial management as a business organization's financial activities, dealing with financial relationships with the various aspects of an economic management, the goal is through the financing, investment, capital operation and earnings management process, to regulate corporate financial behavior, strengthening the control of financial risks, the ultimate purpose is maximizing the value of the enterprise. In such circumstances, it should play its role to lead us out of the woods. At present, many enterprises in China do not have awareness on financial risk, and the arbitrary decision-making on financing, investment. We lack of preparation, there is no way in the face of a crisis, only a hasty response, it makes business difficult, face greater risks. We have to make effective financial management of the enterprise analysis and exploration, which has targeted the establishment of sustainable and effective financial management system in order to if we meet financial crisis again, companies will have a better Countermeasure response.

         This paper first analyzes the financial crisis on the global economy, then describe the financial management in Chinese enterprises financing, investment, capital operation and distribution in the global financial crisis has exposed the problem, and the detailed analysis in the light of these problems, we should take the strategy of how to better realize the function of financial management. Finally, we can get the enlightenment through the case that in response to the financial crisis.

      Keywords: Financial crisis; Chinese enterprises; financial management; solve the problem

      上傳會員 li145533 對本文的描述:在面對金融危機時顯得準備不足,危機面前沒有充足對策,只能倉促應對,加上預防和控制能力較弱,應變措施效果不佳,使得企業經營愈發艱難,面臨著較大的財務風險。本文將對這......
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