

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:陽の陽 更新時間:2014-07-27
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      摘  要:營運資金是指用于支持企業流動資本的那部分資本,財務管理角度看營運資金應該是流動資產與流動負債關系的總和,是對企業所有短期性財務活動的統稱,并且它與諸多財務指標密切相關,是整體財務結構的組成部分。



      關鍵詞:營運資金 資金短缺 融資


      ABSTRACT:Working capital refers to the portion of the capital to support the flow of the enterprise capital, financial management point of view of working capital should be the sum total of current assets and current liabilities, is all short-term financial activities referred to the enterprise, and it is closely related to the various financial indicators, is part of the overall financial structure.

         In the enterprise capital management, working capital management is the foundation of the enterprise capital management, it is because of working capital is the enterprise most liquid, change the fastest and strongest funds circulating. Enterprise should maintain normal operation must have adequate amount of working capital, the enterprise only reasonably use of working capital, to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The discretion of the enterprise a certain period of fund profitability is mainly depends on its level of working capital management, so how to solve the problems existing in the management of working capital, is an important aspect of enterprise financial management goals.

         This paper will from four aspects to analyze: 1, the importance of working capital management; 2, an overview of working capital management research present situation; 3, expounds on the enterprise operating funds management achievement and the main problems; 4, combined with our country enterprise operating funds management present situation, puts forward the countermeasures and Suggestions on strengthening the management of working capital.

      Keywords:working capital ;capital shortage ;financing

      上傳會員 陽の陽 對本文的描述:想要更好的管理企業的營運資金,那就必須研究營運資金有哪些特點,這樣才可以針對這些特點進行管理。營運資金通常具有以下特點:1、周轉的時間比較短。通過這一特點,我們知道......
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