

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:徐冬冬 更新時間:2013-08-03
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      Abstract:With the constant development of the economy in our country, the accounting reform also transit from adapting to the need of planned economy to the need of market economy, which should maintain our country's features, accommodate to the characteristics of our country's environment, and also should to learn from and take example by the successful experience of the accounting reform in world developed countries from beginning to end. Finally we could try to find out a way for the accounting internalization which could adapt to the need of economic development of our country. The New Edition of Accounting Standard that was promulgated in 2006 has raised some new demands. Only if the New Edition of Accounting Standard was effectively implemented, could the New Edition of Accounting Standard paly an important role in the construction of the market economy with Chinese characteristics. It has been 5 years, since the New Edition of Accounting Standard has been promulgated. This article attempts to analyze the problems in the implementation of the New Edition of Accounting Standard and raise some rational suggestions through the study of the situation in implementing the New Edition of Accounting Standard in HongHe prefecture. I hope it could provide some help for promoting the implementation of the New Edition of Accounting Standard in HongHe prefecture, improving our country's accounting standards system, and pushing forward the accounting industry. 

      Key words:  The new system of accounting standards; The state of HongHe; Background; Significance ;Problems;Countermeasure


      上傳會員 徐冬冬 對本文的描述:實施新會計準則體系的情況,分析實施新會計準則過程中存在的問題并且提出合理化建議,希望能夠對推動紅河州新會計準則體系的有效實施和完善我國會計準則體系,推動會計事業的......
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