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摘要:隨著信息化浪潮的掀起,計算機的應用已達到了無所不在的地步,特別是在會計領域中,財務軟件的出現與普及不僅把會計人員從繁重的記賬、算賬、報賬工作中解脫出來,提高工作效率,更重要的是可以提高管理水平,成為企業參與競爭、立于不敗之地的有力武器。財務會計軟件的發展突飛猛進,但伴隨著經濟全球化不斷推進的同時,企業的內部環境也在不斷地發生變化,不少財務軟件逐漸變得無法滿足企業的需要。 我國的財務軟件起步于20世紀70年代末,通過30年的探索,已經發展為相對較為成熟的一個體系,但自身存在的不足依舊制約著我國財務軟件的發展。通過找出我國財務軟件在發展中存在的不足,提出相應的對策,解決財務軟件發展的瓶頸,顯得至關重要。于此同時,分析研究并預測出財務軟件的未來發展趨勢,這有利于其自身的發展。 關鍵詞:財務軟件;問題;對策;發展趨勢
Abstract:With the coming of the economic globalization and the era of information, computer becomes more and more useful in the sociology, especially in accounting field. To use the appropriate financial software can not only greatly increased enterprise's effectiveness, but also improve competitiveness in the current market. However, with the coming of the economic globalization, enterprise's internal environment in changing, some financial software becomes no longer adapted to the enterprise. Financial software starts in the 1970s' end in China, through 30 years of study, the development of financial software is mature. But financial software has many defects, and the development of financial software is restricted. Find the defects of financial software, and research the solution, is important. At the same time,forecast the future development trend of financial software is good for the development of financial software. Key Words: Financial software; question; countermeasure; development trend