

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:學大教育 更新時間:2013-10-08
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:11320
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)




      Abstract:With homework cost method for the tool, the logistics activity according to the function is divided into the transportation,loading and unloading,packaging, storage, circulation processing and information processing six types of homework, established the system's logistics cost control method. Which Can accurately calculate the cost is the fact that the main purpose of the activity-based costing method, and homework cost method and not on the surface meaning the cost calculation, even if the activity-based costing method is originated in the product cost calculation accuracy of motivation, but its significance basically had completely beyond the cost calculation precision requirements this level, can say has entered into the deeper stages, and transferred to the operation management this level to update the management idea and concept. Using this method not only can accurately calculate the whole enterprise logistics costs, and can reduce the cost for the enterprise to provide valuable information.

      Key words: The logistics cost;Homework cost method;Cost control








      上傳會員 學大教育 對本文的描述:作業成本法是以物流活動為基礎從而進行成本核算,從開始的源頭到最終的結果,要追溯企業中發生的所有成本,從而能更為有效保證了成本核算的準確性。本文結合物流成本的特征,......
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