

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:我的男朋友 更新時間:2013-10-13
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      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)





      Abstract:A performance evaluation system for state-owned enterprises indicators are correct and complete directly bearing on whether or not to fully reflect the true operating performance of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises directly affecting capital investment and added value. State-owned enterprises are to become competitive in the international market, the same level of corporate governance is a challenge. Scientific and rational system of performance evaluation indicators in the formulation of business strategies, assess business objectives and identify the areas of enterprise management package play an important role.

         The first this draws on the successful experience of foreign enterprises and performance evaluation practices, and state-owned enterprises and foreign enterprises performance evaluation indicators system for comparative analysis of system performance evaluation indicators, some useful inspiration. Secondly performance evaluation indicators to identify existing system of state-owned enterprises set up the deficiencies , and indicators of performance evaluation system that state-owned enterprises, forming a revised performance evaluation indicators system of state-owned enterprises. Thirdly, the choice of a representative listing of state-owned enterprises——COFCO of state-owned enterprises inspection system performance evaluation indicators of the practical application and amend the performance evaluation indicators and systems for comparison and analysis that the revised performance evaluation indicators system of state-owned enterprises with better application value. Finally, the amendment to the state-owned enterprises to promote the use of system performance evaluation indicators made a number of recommendations.

      Key word: Index system; Performance evaluation; State-owned enterprise


      上傳會員 我的男朋友 對本文的描述:本文盡量找出國有企業現行績效評價指標體系設置存在的不足,并對國有企業績效評價指標體系進行修正,形成一套經過修改的國有企業績效評價指標體系。代表性的上市國有企業中糧......
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