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摘要:傳統的會計忙于應付繁重的會計記帳、算帳和報帳等工作。隨著經濟的發展和電子計算機的廣泛應用,會計電算化是計算機技術在會計工作的推廣使用?,F今,電算化改變以往會計人員工作方式并成為會計的重要組成部分,它不僅能使財務人員擺脫繁重的抄寫和匯總等工作,而且能替代人腦完成對會計信息的分析、預測等過程, 為管理當局的決策提供依據。 文章一開始闡述了研究背景和選題意義,簡單介紹會計電算化的定義,概述當前會計環境下電算化發展,接著論述會計電算化與傳統手工會計的不同以及其產生的影響及其特征,在此基礎上指出會計電算化發展面對的問題以及解決的對策,最后展望會計電算化未來的發展。 關鍵詞: 傳統手工會計;會計電算化;影響;會計環境
Abstract:The traditional accounting is busy dealing with heavy accounting, doing accounts and rendering an account, etc. With the development of economy and the wide application of electronic technology of computer, accounting computerization has been more and more popular in accounting work. Nowdays, computerized accounting has changed the way in the past accouters worked and become the important part of the accounting, which can not only reduce the heavy copying and summarizes but also can replace the human brain to analysis and predict accounting information for authority organizations. In this paper, first, it expounds the background and significance of the topic, introduces the definition of computerized accounting, and provides an overview of its development. Second, it discusses the difference between accounting computerization and the traditional manual accounting. Third, it expounds the influence that accounting computerization makes and its characteristics, pointing out the underlying problems and the potential solutions along with its development. At last, it prospects its future. Key Words:traditional manual accounting;Accounting Computerization;Influence;accounting environment
電算化會計產生和發展的過程,是突破傳統會計觀念,對現行會計理論和方法提出各種新課題,以及研究和確立新的理論和方法的過程。本文就這方面的問題進行了粗略的探討,但由于水平和能力有限,在研究過程中受時間、資料和精力的限制, 還存在一些不盡如人意之處。而且,從會計電算化前景和趨勢看,還有許多問題需要進一步深化研究。 我相信,隨著實施 ERP 系統的企業的不斷增加,財務、供應鏈管理一體化應用的財務軟件ERP將成為財務軟件市場的主體,當會計軟件的研制有了明確的方向和目標,就能更符合會計工作的實際要求。因此,我們必須加強電算化會計理論的研究,建立較完備的電算化會計理論體系,以適應會計電算化迅速發展的需要。重視并及時解決會計電算化進程中的這些問題,對提高會計工作水平和會計信息的質量,提高各級企、事業單位的現代化管理水平和經濟效益都會起到極其重要的作用。