

      資料分類:法律論文 上傳會員:我的美女老師 更新時間:2013-10-26
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:15145
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)





      Abstract:China is a big agricultural country. So, agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Strengthening the Foundation status of agriculture and developing the rural economy are the important strategic significance. Rural land is the core issues of economic stability and development. Without the support of good land system, development of the rural economy cannot afford. Due to the transfer of land ownership system in China there was insufficient legislation, Government offside, factors such as the lack of effective protection mechanisms, Led to China's rural land could not be effectively used. After I draw on the experience of other countries, coupled with China's national conditions.  From legislation specifically on rural land ownership. From social security to establish the necessary safeguards. From the Government, Guidance, supervision are basic. 

         Through the study of circulation of rural land constraints, summarize and analyze existing problems, finding solutions to the program.

      Key word: Land contract management right transfer system ;Administrative register;Rights abuses ;Land property right;Government of ultra vires


         農村土地流轉是指土地使用權流轉,而土地使用權流轉的含義,是指擁有土地承包經營權的農戶將土地經營權(使用權)轉讓給其他農戶或經濟組織,即保留承包權,轉讓使用權 ,但本文中所探討的農村土地流轉主要是依據《農村土地承包法》中規定的農村土地承包經營權的流轉。土地流轉從本質上來講就是土地所有者的土地權利全部或部分的從一個權利主體轉移到另一個權利主體的過程和活動。農村土地流轉的制度基礎是土地資源配置的市場化,而土地流轉的本質則是農村土地產權要素的重構與農村土地產權主體的換位在農村經濟運行。



      上傳會員 我的美女老師 對本文的描述:土地承包經營權的流轉行有利于農村實行適度規模經營,能夠促使土地、勞動力、資金合理流動和配置,有利于降低農業生產成本,提高農業生產效率。明確我國土地承包權的流轉的意......
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