

      資料分類:法律論文 上傳會員:soso 更新時間:2014-04-25
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      關鍵詞:沉默權 無罪推定 司法公正 人權保障 


      Abstract: The right to silence is that a criminal suspect, a defendant has the right of hushing or refusing to answer when he has been interrogation or trial. The right of silence is a fundamental right that modern law-ruled countries setting up for criminal suspects and defendants. The right of silence is the important sign of procedure justice and civilized judiciary. The right of silence has come from the ancient legal maxim that no person charged themselves with their obligations. England had firstly established right to silence system which was in legal sense. Subsequently, USA and a lot of Western countries had transplanted right of silence system. United Nations” International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” had also made clear stipulation to this. Whether our country sould established the right of silence , theoretical circles and judicial circles have produced fierce argument. The author thinks that  our country ought to establish the right of silent system because the right to silent system is highly respected for the people,and it is a strong barrier for safeguard judicial. 

      Key words: the right to silence    presumption of innocence         procedural justice    protection of human rights

      上傳會員 soso 對本文的描述:本文所指的沉默權,都是從狹義層面進行的分析,同時著重介紹在偵查階段和審查起訴階段犯罪嫌疑人所擁有的沉默權。雖然我國還未確立這項制度,但自從我國在1998年簽署了《公民權......
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