

      資料分類:法律論文 上傳會員:致青春鄭微 更新時間:2013-08-24
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      Abstract:With the rapid development of socialist market economy and the large-scale spreading of industrialization and urbanization,environmental torts caused by environmental pollution or destroying will be a major social problem. Although the system of civil responsibility of environmental torts is comparatively perfect as a whole in our country, there are quite a few problems and defects on conflict between legal provisions about liability constitution , sphere of damages without spiritual damages, absence of intergradations about liability manners such as partial injunction and fungible damages,lack of system of socialization about damages of environmental torts deficiency of means and measure of relief which requires us to adapt some effective and advanced methods to make the system sound and perfect.

      Key words: Environmental Torts;Limitation of action ;System Perfection methods


      上傳會員 致青春鄭微 對本文的描述:在立法上,我國沒有明確規定公益訴訟的起訴主體;現有的訴訟時效的規定少且長短不適合環境侵權的特殊性;對受害人的利益的保護力度相對薄弱等等。這就需要我們認真借鑒國外行......
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