

      資料分類:精選論文 上傳會員:怪叔叔 更新時間:2014-03-20
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      【關鍵詞】文秘; 課程設置; 思考


      【Abstract】In recent years, due to the continuous development of the economy, the industry rapid development, the demand of the secretary is also increasing. Therefore, the Secretary of the professional have developed rapidly in the short term. However, the Secretary of Education of China's many problems, such as curriculum unreasonable and so on. The United States, Japan and other countries in the Secretary of the curriculum, we found that China's colleges and universities in the Secretary of the cultivation of great gap with other countries. Explore what are the problems and how to solve these problems is the focus of this article.

      【Key words】Secretary; curriculum; thinking

      上傳會員 怪叔叔 對本文的描述:我國高校秘書專業教育與人才培養在培養目標、培養途徑、課程體系、師資隊伍等方面存在的問題與不足反映出我國秘書學發展的不成熟。目前,我國秘書學正處于學科轉型時期,秘書......
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