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摘要 云南土特產業是近幾年才開始迅猛發展的新型產業,它的成長為云南的經濟、文化和社會的發展提供了新的亮點,這都得益于云南特殊的自然條件、民族文化資源和旅游資源的獨特性,為發展和創新地方土特產品提供了有利條件。 面對越來越激烈的商業競爭,營銷策略已經成為決定企業能否在商戰中勝出的戰略性資源。產品、價格、營銷渠道、促銷是市場營銷4Ps的四個要素,對企業的營銷決策起著關鍵性的作用。 牟定乳腐在發展過程中呈現生產規模小,品種單一;缺乏資金,投入不足;銷售渠道不暢,市場開發力度不夠;缺乏科技與文化支撐等現狀。針對牟定乳腐營銷存在產品、價格、營銷渠道、促銷等問題,4Ps營銷策略即將成為牟定乳腐進入并占領市場的最佳方法。 本文首先從云南土特產以及牟定乳腐的營銷現狀入手,然后分析了4Ps營銷組合理論的特點及其相關研究;然后在此框架下,從產品策略、渠道策略、價格策略和促銷策略四個方面對牟定乳腐的營銷策略進行分析;最后,結合牟定乳腐營銷現狀,提出有利于牟定乳腐營銷的可行性建議,為牟定乳腐營銷提供策略指導。本文所運用的理論都來自于前人的驗證,本文所運用的數據都來自于作者的第一手的資料收集,通過搜集、整理、對比分析,得出結論,為本文提供了有力的理論參考和數據參照。 關鍵詞:牟定乳腐;產品策略;價格策略;促銷策略;渠道策略
ABSTRACT In recently years, the local special products is a new industry which increasing fastly in Yunnan province. Ihe developments bring a lot of opportunities for local economic,development of local culture and society. All of this are benefited from the particularity of the special natural conditions, national culture and tourism resources. Its provides a favorable conditions for the development and innovation of local special products . In the face of increasingly fierce business competition, the marketing strategy has become the decisive strategic resources for markets competition enterprise can win in the business competition. Product, price, sale channels and promotion are the four elements of 4Ps in marketing,and the four elements play a key role on the enterprises' marketing strategy. In Mouding county, the developing process of bean curd industry reveals the problems on small scale of production, sameness of product, insufficient investment, influent sale channel and shortage of funds, marketing development,technology and cultural support. According to marketing problems appeared in products, price ,sale channels, promotions and so on, the 4Ps marketing strategy will become the best method for Mouding's bean curd to enter and occupy the market. The thesis frist written from the current marketing situation,and then analyzes the characteristics of the theory and the related research on 4 Ps' marketing mix .Next according to the framework of both of them, the thesis deeply analyzes the marketing strategy on Mouding's bean curd industry from product strategy, channel strategy, price strategy and sales promotion strategy of the four aspects.Finally,based on the current marketing situations, the thesis puts forward feasible suggestions and provides strategic guidance on Mouding's bean curd marketing.These theories that I have used in the thesis come from the validation of predecessors ,and the data that I have used in the thesis is from the author's first-hand data collection, and the conclusion in it comes from the collecting, collating and comparative analysis, which provides a strong theoretical reference and data reference for this theory. Key Words:Bean Curd of Mouding ;Product Strategy;Price Strategy;promotion Strategy;channel Strategy