

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:我不是叫獸 更新時間:2014-03-15
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      Abstract:Agricultural products originated from agricultural primary products, namely the plants 、animals、microorganism and its products that you can get from agricultural activities. For example, melon、fruit、vegetables、tea and so on, except those that had been processed. With the further development of the industrialization of agriculture, the core of the agricultural market competition is agricultural brand, the implement of agricultural brand policy is the inevitable outcome of the development of modern agriculture.At present, in our country brand consciousness is very light, the product brand rate and value-added brand is so low, also they are in lack of publicity, and most of them are in poor images, the intellectual property system is not sound and so on, here are some suggestions in this article in view of the above problems.

      Keywords:Agricultural products、brand、consciousness、propaganda

      上傳會員 我不是叫獸 對本文的描述:由于我國農產品品牌的發展還處于初級階段,還存在很多問題,品牌意識淡薄、缺乏宣傳、不注重品牌原產地的形象等等,這都需要農產品經營主體與我國政府共同努力來解決這些問題......
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