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中文摘要:閱讀作為英語學習的一部分,它不僅是英語輸入的關鍵,在英語考試中所占的比重也是較大的。對于初中生來說,考試取得勝利的非常重要的一步就是在閱讀中拿高分。在初中階段,雖然閱讀也得到了老師和學生們的重視,但學生們的閱讀成績還是兩極分化嚴重。究其原因,這與大部分學生在閱讀時沒有培養好的習慣和使用相應的策略有很大關系。通過文獻的查閱,發現元認知策略對于提高初中生自主學習的能力有很大幫助,也有利于提高學生的閱讀成績。本文以初中生的閱讀現狀為切入點,提出了在初中生英語閱讀教學中應用元認知策略的想法,探討了閱讀與元認知策略的關系,以此提高初中生英語閱讀能力。 關鍵詞:元認知策略;初中英語;閱讀教學
Contents 中文摘要 Abstract 1. Introduction-1 2. Metacognitive Strategies-1 2.1 Development of Metacognitive Strategies - 2.2 Features of Metacognitive Strategies- 3. Applicability of Metacognitive Strategies in Junior High School English Reading Teaching-4 3.1 The ability barrier in junior high school English reading comprehension- 3.2 Metacognitive in English reading comprehension- 3.2.1 The nature of reading- 3.2.2 Metacognition in English reading comprehension- 3.2.3 Reading comprehension requires Metacognition- 4. Application of Metacognitive Strategies to Junior High School English Reading Teaching-7 4.1 Before-reading: Strategy of Planning- 4.1.1 Preparation of environment- 4.1.2 Preparation of Background knowledge- 4.1.3 Preparation of reading goals- 4.1.4 Preparation of learning methods- 4.2 While-reading: Strategy of Monitoring- 4.2.1 Target monitoring- 4.2.2 Process monitoring- 4.3 Post-reading: Strategy of Evaluating- 4.3.1 Self-evaluation- 4.3.2 Group evaluation- 4.3.3 Teacher evaluation- 5. Conclusion-11 References-13 Acknowledgements-14 |