

      資料分類:中英譯文 上傳會員:天使的翅膀 更新時間:2019-04-11
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      出處:Hagerty B. TV’s political host with the most[J]. British Journalism Review, 2010, 21:19-27.

      Andrew Marrused to be a red-bearded, drunken, chain-smoking Leftie. Now he hosts the TV show politicians line up to appear on.

      He rattled the Prime Minister by asking about his health and reduced Tony Blair’s former communications director Alastair Campbell to stressed silence with questions about Iraq’s missing WMDs. He says he is constantly aware of the BBC Charter’s requirement for impartiality and “acutely conscious that if I give a Labour figure a very hard time, then I have an obligation the next time around to give a Tory figure a very hard time”. Nobody can expect a soft ride when being interviewed by Andrew Marr, yet he is the man politicians know they cannot afford to ignore in this election year and the anchor of what is arguably the most influential political programme on British television.

      Marr is not the best-known exponent of confrontational television journalism: John Humphrys, on the Today programme, and Newsnight’s Jeremy Paxman are the top dogs–Rottweilers–in this particular kennel. But since turning 50 last year Marr appears to have developed a cutting edge to a technique previously perceived as one that, while ruffling feathers, left the interviewee with both dignity and stable blood pressure. He insists that, more or less, this is still his aim: “I came into it [his show] with a very clear view, first of all, that Sunday morning was not Jeremy Paxman territory, people did not get up first thing in the morning and expect a blood-spattered slugging match. And, more creatively perhaps, I thought and think that you can get much more sometimes out of politicians by gently leading them on, asking direct questions in a friendly way.

      上傳會員 天使的翅膀 對本文的描述:報紙對某一方的贊同對局勢帶來的影響很小,例如太陽報對保守黨的早期支持。馬爾認為:“一家報紙幾乎沒有影響力,因為人們并不愚蠢,他們了解所有者和政治家之間的游戲,他們......
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