

      資料分類:幼兒教育 上傳會員:怪叔叔 更新時間:2014-03-21
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:19311
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      【 abstract 】 Role is to take imitation and imagine the game the way, through the role and creative reflect the reality of social life of a game. This study attempts to children through the role of the game to understand baby to observe parents role cognition.

        This study used race study method, through the two large classes for six weeks of children's game observation and interview to collect information about, quantity sex and qualitative research combined.

      Research found that children's parents role cognition most is originates from life experience, more of a parents' imitation and observational learning. The mass media also of children's role cognition the influence, parents need to be here for the child the checks, choose excellent video journal and discharge of the media not negative health effects. According to the research results for children to put forward the thinking and Suggestions role cognition

      【 keywords 】 Children, parents role, cognition

      上傳會員 怪叔叔 對本文的描述:通過觀察孩子在角色游戲中的表現并結合問題訪談來了解該年齡段的兒童的角色認知水平,即對這個角色的認識程度、了解程度以及如何去認知,從而為教師提出有效的教育方法,幫助......
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