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摘要:角色設定在影視動畫中占據著十分重要的地位,這一點在歷年的成功動畫案例中不難看出。動畫的周邊主要是靠各種角色衍生的系列產品,也就是說動畫市場的主要盈利是由各個成功的動畫角色帶來的。就國內目前的動畫市場看,美式動畫和日本動畫占據優勢,而更勝一籌的是美式動畫的周邊。研究美式動畫的角色設定與我國的差異對于改善目前我國動畫被動的狀況有一定的幫助。美式動畫以迪斯尼的最為深入人心,他們以夸張鮮明的角色贏得全球動畫迷們的心。雖然以前具有中國特色的動畫也是令人印象深刻,但是中國動畫還未形成自己鮮明的特征,仍在風格的路上摸索。美式動畫角色成功的原因主要有三點:漫畫的改編、具體的結構描寫和細膩的細節刻畫。國內目前的動畫角色缺少個性,顯得沒有生氣。在制作過程中,前期角色設定不夠充分,需提高重視。 關鍵詞:動畫風格;角色個性;前期設定;細節描寫
Abstract:It’s easy to see that character design plays a vital role in film and television animation from the successful cases made these years. A great major of the animation peripheral products made up of different kinds of animated characters’ derivatives. That is to say, the derivatives bring profits. For the moment, American and Japanese animation take advantage in the Animation Markt, and American is much better. Studying the difference between American animation character design and Chinese must be good for perfecting the passive situation for our animation industry. The most popular aimations in America are made by Disney. Animation fans all over the world were conquered because of its exaggerated character design. Although, the Chinease animations that with Chinese characteristics are impressed, but it still has no distinct style. The reasons for the success of American animation character design are complicated, but generally they can be listed as follows. First, some of them were made by comic adaptation. Moreover, the American animation character design payed more attention on the structure description. Last but not least, their details depicted fairly exquisite. Domestic animation dosen’t vivid because of the lack of personality. More anttention should be payed on the Pre-production process for animation make. Keyword: animation style; character; prohase set; describe in details