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摘要:聲源定位的導航系統是以STM32F103RB芯片為主要控制器,外圍電路由聲響模塊電路、聲音接收處理模塊電路、穩壓電源模塊電路和比較器模塊電路組成。系統設計是由聲響電路發出頻率一定的聲音信號,利用不同位置的聲音傳感器檢測聲音信號,并通過放大和濾波之后,再由比較電路將聲音信號整形處理后送到主控芯片中,利用時延法定位和導航基本算法完成對聲音的定位導航。通過實驗測試,本系統在600mm*600mm的范圍內完成對聲音導航的允許誤差范圍控制在20mm以下。 關鍵字:STM32F103RB 聲源定位 外圍電路 導航算法
ABSTRACT:Sound source localization navigation system is STM32F103RB chip as the main controller,The external circuit by the sound module circuit, sound receiver processing module circuit, power supply circuit and a comparator module module circuit. Sound circuit system is given a fixed frequency sound signals, the sound sensor detects a different location sound signal through the amplification and filtering, and then the sound signal from the comparison circuit to the control chip, after shaping, the use of time delay France positioning and navigation basic algorithm to complete the sound positioning and navigation. Through experimental testing, the system in the range of 600mm * 600mm completed within the allowable error range voice navigation control below 20cm. Keywords: STM32F103RB;Sound source localization;Peripheral circuits;Navigation algorithm