

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:xubanban 更新時間:2014-08-07
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      關鍵詞 黑豆;活性黑米;黑小麥;乳酸菌飲料;發酵;穩定性


      Abstract:In this paper, lactic acid bacteria beverage processing technology was studied, used black bean, germinated black rice, black wheat as raw materials. The optimized conditions of germinated black rice milk prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis were found by single factor and orthogonal experiments: the ratio of the germinated black rice and water was 1:8, the alpha-amylase 1%, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature 60℃, enzymatic hydrolysis time 2.75h. The optimized conditions of fermentation: the ratio of black bean milk, germinated black rice milk, black wheat milk was 5:1:4, the pure milk and fermented base material was 40:60, inoculum size 5%, fermentation temperature 43℃, fermentation time 2.5h, sucrose 7%. Composite stabilizer (xanthan gum 0.22%, aciduric CMC-Na 0.12%, pectin 0.22%) 0.8%. Under these conditions, lactic acid bacteria beverage was prepared with smooth taste, rich nutrition, and also has some health functions.

      Keywords  Black beans  Germinated black rice  Black wheat  Lactic acid bacteria beverage  Fermentation  Stability

      上傳會員 xubanban 對本文的描述:近年來,黑色食品的熱潮逐漸在世界范圍內興起,黑色食品因其獨特的保健功能倍受人們的青睞,黑色食品的開發生產也因此加速發展。我國的黑豆系列食品吸引了日本、美國等國,其......
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