

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:我愛小小 更新時間:2013-05-31
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
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      摘  要:大氣氣溶膠中的有機碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)因為其獨特的環境、氣候效應以及對人類健康的影響日漸成為世界各國環境科學家們共同關注的熱點。文章中首先介紹了有機碳、元素碳和氣溶膠中水溶性有機物的組成、來源以及結構特征;其次,詳細敘述了熱學和光學分析OC、EC的原理方法并對這些方法進行了系統化的比較。除此以外,文章還介紹了氣溶膠樣品的采集方法和OC/EC分析儀的結構參數,技術特點。在最后,依據熱-光反射法原理,利用OC/EC分析儀測定了樣品中的有機碳、元素碳的含量,分析大氣中元素碳和有機碳的濃度比例變化趨勢,同時研究了含碳氣溶膠的區域時間變化特征及變化趨勢,為有效控制大氣中氣溶膠的含量,減少空氣污染總量提供了理論基礎。



      Abstract: Because of their unique effect on environment and climate, as well as the impact on human health, the organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in atmospheric aerosols drawn growing concern by environmental scientists all over the worlld. Firstly, this thesis introduces the composition, sources and structure characteristics of OC, EC, WSOC. Secondly, the thermal and optical analysis of OC, EC principle method are introduced in detail and then compared these method systematically. In addition, the thesis also relates to the sample collection method, OC/EC analyzer structure parameters, and technical characteristics. At last, based on the principle of thermal reflection method, using the OC/EC analyzer determination in samples content of organic carbon and elemental carbon, we analysis the concentration change trend of organic carbon and elemental carbon in the atmosphere, also research the regional time variation characteristics and trend of carbonaceous aerosol. This research can provide theoretical basis for the effective control of atmospheric aerosol levels, and the reduction of the total amount of air pollution.

      Key words: Organic Carbon; Elemental Carbon; Thermo Optical Reflection


      上傳會員 我愛小小 對本文的描述:文章還介紹了氣溶膠樣品的采集方法和OC/EC分析儀的結構參數,技術特點。在最后,依據熱-光反射法原理,利用OC/EC分析儀測定了樣品中的有機碳、元素碳的含量,分析大氣中元素碳和有......
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