

      資料分類:農業大學 上傳會員:當當網小劉 更新時間:2013-06-16
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      摘  要

         本試驗以紫莖澤蘭為材料,用不同濃度的乙醇作為提取劑,采用不同乙醇濃度梯度、不同浸泡時間對紫莖澤蘭提取不同器官(根、莖、葉)中的總黃酮。結果表明:在紫莖澤蘭總黃酮提取中,乙醇為75%,浸泡時間為28h,葉中總黃酮含量最高,為4.47%,莖中總黃酮含量次之,根中總黃酮含量最少。本試驗以蘆丁為對照品,Na2NO2-Al(NO3) 3-NaOH 體系為顯色劑,利用分光光度法測定了紫莖澤蘭中的總黃酮含量,平均回收率為97.2%,RSD=0.38 (n=5)。本法操作簡便,可行,重現性好。




         In this experiment, the proliferation medium is Eupatorium adenophorum sprang.The extraction process of falconoid from Eupatorium adenophorum sprang was studied. The quantity proportion of falconoid extracted from Eupatorium adenophorum sprang was researched. The result indicated that under the extraction condition was as follow: ethanol concentration was 75%,the ration ,the extracting time was 28 hours, the extraction technological conditions of total flavonoids from sinesis leaves were optimized through orthogonal design method, and the extraction of leaf rate was 4.47%.The extraction of stem was second, The extraction of root was lowest .The average recovery of this method was 97.2%,and the relative standard deviation was 0.38(n=5).The sample dilutes directly for determination. This analysis method develop was simple, fast and accurate.

      Key words: Eupatorium adenophorum; Tota falconoid; Extraction technology; Study


      上傳會員 當當網小劉 對本文的描述:本試驗以紫莖澤蘭為材料,用不同濃度的乙醇作為提取劑,采用不同乙醇濃度梯度、不同浸泡時間對紫莖澤蘭提取不同器官(根、莖、葉)中的總黃酮。結果表明:在紫莖澤蘭總黃酮提......
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