

      資料分類:農業大學 上傳會員:當當網小劉 更新時間:2013-06-16
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      摘  要

         本實驗以分蔥(Allium ascalonicum Linn)幼苗為實驗材料,采用不同劑量紫外光(0、2、4、6、8 h)照射分蔥幼苗后,測定其可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量、葉綠素含量和總黃酮含量。結果表明:(1)照射劑量2、4、6、8 h后的分蔥的可溶性糖含量與對照組差異不顯著。(2)照射劑量4和8 h后的分蔥可溶性蛋白含量顯著低于對照組,而照射劑量2、6 h的分蔥可溶性蛋白含量與對照組差異不顯著。(3)照射劑量2、4、6、8 h后的分蔥葉綠素含量顯著低于對照組。(4)照射劑量6 h后的分蔥總黃酮含量與顯著高于對照組,而照射劑量2、4、8 h后的分蔥總黃酮含量與對照組差異不顯著。




         In this study, using Allium ascalonicum Linn as experimental materials, treat seeding by UV-radiation (90w) with different doses of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours, then determine the Soluble sugar content, Soluble proteins content, Chlorophyll content and the Flavonoid. The results showed the Soluble sugar content had no significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 2,4,6,8 h compare with contrast. The Soluble proteins content had significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 4 and 8 h compare with contrast, and The Soluble proteins content had no significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 2 and 6 h compare with contrast.The Chlorophyll content had significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 2,4,6,8 h compare with contrast. The Flavonoid had significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 6 h compare with contrast, and the Flavonoid had significant effect when UV-radiation dose of 2,4,8 h compare with contrast.  

      Key words: Allium ascalonicum Linn; UV-radiation; Soluble proteins; Soluble sugar; Chlorophyll; Flavonoid


      上傳會員 當當網小劉 對本文的描述:本實驗以分蔥(Allium ascalonicum Linn)幼苗為實驗材料,采用不同劑量紫外光(0、2、4、6、8 h)照射分蔥幼苗后,測定其可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量、葉綠素含量和總黃酮含量。結果表明......
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