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摘 要
教育公平是基本的、重要的社會公平,使教育資源更多向農村地區、邊遠貧困地區和民族地區傾斜,確保每個適齡兒童有學上、上好學是關乎國計民生的大事,是黨和國家在以科學發展觀為統領全面建設社會主義時期一貫不變的方針。農村貧困地區由于地域、經濟等原因,目前學前教育相當落后,好多地方還是一片空白。本文以師宗縣阿宜格村為例,在對農村貧困地區學前教育公平問題的探討過程中,提出一些想法和觀點,以期能對促進農村教育發展,解決教育公平問題,縮小城鄉教育差距、 改善民生有所幫助。
Educational equity is a basic and important social justice.Make more education resources tilt to the rural areas, remote and poor areas ,and ethnic regions, to ensure that every school-age children can attend school and on a good school. This is a major event is about people's livelihood,and zhe Communist Party of China and the state of scientific development concept has always been the same building principle of the socialist period. Poor rural areas due to geographical, economic and other reasons, the pre-school education rather backward Currently, Many places is still a blank. This paper Case of Ayige Village Shizong County.Paper is about the pre-school education in poor rural areas Equality, and how to solve the problem of poor rural pre-school fair ideas and proposals.I hope that it will promote the development of rural education to address educational equity issues and narrow the urban-rural gap in education, and I hope it will improve people's lives.
Keywords: Rural, Poor reas, AyigeVillage, Educational Equity, Pre-school education