

      資料分類:人文社會 上傳會員:淺淺的回憶 更新時間:2013-06-19
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      關鍵詞:《羽蛇》;女性意識 ;受難;逃離



          Plumed Serpent is a typical female text, active groups of female image in the works.In which the characters of the feathered serpent has a significant meaning, the text of the Feathered Serpent to convey a strong sense of women.Text from a feminist standpoint to explore Xu Xiaobin novel "feathered serpent" is especially meaningful to women seeking liberation on the road.To discuss the problems of the women themselves, as well as the plight of discourse from the perspective of the mother-daughter relationship, motherhood myth, the male image of the weak; Xu Xiaobin, simply described by the heroine lived on the lives of suffering and redemption, and that choose to flee the way out of the women in the reality of self-redemption.

      Keywords : female consciousness ; Feather Serpent ;Passion;Flee

      上傳會員 淺淺的回憶 對本文的描述:《羽蛇》是典型的女性文本,在作品中活躍著豐富的女性群體形象,其中,羽這一人物形象具有重要的意義,文本借羽傳達出了強烈的女性意識。本文從女性主義的立場,探討徐小斌小......
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