

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:白鯨 更新時間:2017-11-15
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      Abstract: This paper is designed to take dog idioms in Chinese and English as an example and analyze four factors behind the understanding barrier, after which three strategies will be provided for idioms translation on the basis of functional equivalence theory. Four factors refer to historical origins, economic environment, historical culture and religious beliefs. The three strategies are Free Translation, Idiom for Idiom Translation, and Word for Word Translation plus Explanation. The author hopes that these three translation methods can be helpful to translators when they are translating idiom since idiom translation has always been a challenge for a second-language learner.

      Key words: animal idioms translation; dog idioms; functional equivalence theory





      1. Introduction1

      2. Causes of the Discrepancies between English and Chinese Dog Idioms.2

      2.1 Different Historical Origins

       2.2 Different Economic Environment

       2.3 Different Historical Culture and Folk Customs 

       2.4 Different Religious Beliefs

      3. Translation of English and Chinese Idioms with Dogs.4

      3.1 Functional Equivalence Theory of Eugene A. Nida

      3.2 Translation Strategies

      3.2.1 Free Translation

      3.2.2 Word for Word Translation plus Explanation 

      3.2.3 Idiom for Idiom Translation

      4. Conclusion 8



      上傳會員 白鯨 對本文的描述:本文將以研究與狗相關的習語為例,探究造成此種理解障礙的四種原因。此四種原因與地理條件、經濟環境、歷史文化以及宗教信仰有關。本文還將以奈達的功能對等理論為基礎來探討......
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