

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:白鯨 更新時間:2017-11-15
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      Abstract:Classroom environment is an important factor which influences English learning results. On the condition that natural English learning environment is in shortage, it is necessary to create an effective classroom environment. The thesis surveyed 196 Grade 8 students and learned students’ perception of classroom environment. The result shows that there is a significant difference between students’ actual and ideal classroom environment. This finding requires English teachers to know students’ need and tries to create good classroom environment to improve teaching methods and enhance teaching efficiency.  

      Key words: Actual classroom environment; Ideal classroom environment; Junior high school English teaching





      1. Introduction.1

      1.1Overview of the Research

      1.2 Need of the Research

      2. Literature Review2

      2.1Definition of Classroom Environment

      2.2Classification of Classroom Environment

      2.3 Theoretical Foundations

      2.3.1 Lewin’s Field Theory

       2.3.2 Murray’s Need-Press Theory

       2.3.3 Moos’s Human Environment Theory 

      3. Questionnaire Research Design . 5 

      3.1 Participants

      3.2 Instruments

      3.3 Research Process

      3.4 Data Collection

      3.5 Data Analysis

      4. Result and Discussion 6

       4.1 Perception of the Actual English Classroom Environment 

      4.1.1 Results

        4.1.2 Discussion

      4.2 Perception of the Ideal English Classroom Environment

      4.2.1 Results

      4.2.2 Discussion

      4.3 Comparison between the Actual and Ideal English Classroom Environment

      4.3.1 Results

      4.3.2 Discussion

      5. Conclusion 13

      Bibliography  15

      上傳會員 白鯨 對本文的描述:課堂環境是影響英語學習成敗的關鍵因素之一。在缺乏自然的英語學習環境的情況下,創設有效的課堂教學環境尤為重要。本文通過對196位初二學生問卷調查,了解到學生對課堂環境的......
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