

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Motivation is considered to be an important factor in the process of second language acquisition, which has an important influence on foreign language learning. At present, there are many researches on the English learning motivation of various college students, but there is still a lack of research on the students in Application-oriented Technology University.

          This paper investigates the English learning motivation of 103 students from Chongqing University of Science and Technology by quantitative and qualitative research. The results show that the students’ English learning motivations in Application-oriented Technology University mainly are personal development, academic achievement, information media, then, are learning situation and social responsibility, while the lowest are inner interest and going abroad.

      On the basis of the research results and the current situation of Application-oriented Technology University, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the students’ English learning motivation in Application-oriented Technology University. Since the students have strong instrumental motivations. College English teachers should make full use of it to promote students’ English learning.

      Key words: English Learning  Motivation  Application-oriented Technology University






      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background Information-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 The Definition of Motivation-3

      2.2 Previous Studies-3

      2.2.1 Motivation Studies of College Students Overseas-3

      2.2.2 Motivation Studies of College Students in China-5

      2.3 Summary of Previous Studies-6

      Chapter Three Motivation of College Students’ English Learning in Application-Oriented Technology University-7

      3.1 Research Questions-7

      3.2 Research Method-7

      3.2.1 Research Subject-7

      3.2.2 Instruments-7

      3.2.3 Data Collection-8

      3.3 Results-9

      3.3.1 The Main Motivations of College Students in Application-oriented Technology University in English Learning.-9

      3.3.2 The Differences Between the Motivation of College Students’ English Learning in Application-oriented Technology University and in Other Universities.-10

      3.3.3 Analysis of the Results-12

      3.4 Summary-14

      Chapter Four Conclusion-15

      4.1 Conclusion-15

      4.2 Suggestions and Limitations for Further Studies-15


      Appendix 1-17

      Appendix 2-20

      Appendix 3-21

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:在研究結果的基礎上,結合應用技術型大學的實際,本文為提高應用技術型大學學生的英語學習動機提出了一些建議。既然學生有強烈的工具型動機,大學英語教師應該充分利用這一點......
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