

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Conversational Implicature-1

      1.1.1 Definition of Conversational Implicature-1

      1.1.2 Classification of Conversational Implicature-1

      1.1.3 Conversational Implicature in Oliver Twist-1

      1.2 Reasons for the Study-2

      1.3 Significance of the Study-2

      1.4 Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Characters-3

      2.2 Theme-3

      2.3 Writing Techniques-3

      2.4 Language Analyses-4

      Chapter Three Adaptation Theory-5

      3.1 Continuous Choice-making-5

      3.2 Three Properties of Language-5

      3.3 Four Angles of Adaptability-5

      Chapter Four Conversational Implicature in Oliver Twist-7

      4.1 Generalized Conversational Implicature-7

      4.1.1 Adaptation to the Vocabulary-7

      4.1.2 Adaptation to the Sentence Structure-8

      4.1.3 Adaptation to the Sentence Types-9

      4.2 Particularized Conversational Implicature-9

      4.2.1 Adaptation to the Physical World-9

      4.2.2 Adaptation to the Mental World-10

      4.2.3 Adaptation to the Social World-11

      Chapter Five Conclusion-13

      5.1 Major Findings-13

      5.2 Limitations of the Study-13




      Previous researches on Oliver Twist were mainly conducted from such aspects as characters, theme, writing techniques and language analysis, few have done researches on conversational implicature from the perspective of pragmatics. Based on Adaptation Theory, the thesis makes research on different kinds of conversational implicature in the fiction. It is suggested that conversational implicature is also a dynamic process of choice of language. Generalized conversational implicature can be explained through structural adaptation, which is the intralinguistic adaptation; while the explanation of particular conversational implicature is mainly based on the context, which is the result of adapting to the physical, mental and social world of the bilateral communicators. This research expands the application range of Adaptation Theory, and provides a new perspective for the study of characters’ language of literary works; meanwhile, it also can help readers have a better understanding of the language phenomenon in Oliver Twist and provide new methods for Linguistics and literature teaching.


      Keywords: Oliver Twist  particularized conversational implicature  generalized conversational implicature  contextual adaptation  structural adaptation

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