

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background-1

      1.2 Organization of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-2

      2.1 Definition of Irony-2

      2.2 The Traditional Rhetorical and Semantic Approaches-2

      2.3 Pragmatic Approaches-3

      2.3.1 Irony as Violation of the Maxim of Quality-3

      2.3.2 Irony as an Insincere Speech Act-3

      2.4 Cognitive Approach-4

      Chapter Three Theoretical Framework-5

      3.1 Relevance Theory-5

      3.1.1 Definition of Relevance Theory-5

      3.1.2 Principles of Relevance Theory-5

      3.1.3 Optimal Relevance-6

      3.2 Echoic Utterances-6

      3.3 Two Preconditions for Ironic Communication-7

      3.3.1Context in Relevance Theory-7

      3.3.2 Mutuality in Relevance Theory-7

      Chapter Four Analysis of Verbal Irony in The Big Bang Theory-9

      4.1 Irony as Echoic Utterance-9

      4.1.1 Direct Echoes-9

      4.1.2 Echoes of Attributed Thoughts-10

      4.1.3 Echoes of Norms-11

      4.2 The Realization of Irony-12

      4.2.1 The Realization of Irony through Context-12

      4.2.2 The Realization of Irony through Mutuality-12

      Chapter Five Conclusion-14

      5.1 Main Findings-14

      5.2 Limitations-14





      Irony frequently appears in daily communication and literary works. If we can understand and use irony correctly, we will be able to understand the deep meaning of one’s utterances and express our own thoughts. Therefore, for a long time, irony has attracted the attention of scholars from different kinds of fields. Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory does a good job in explaining complicated linguistic phenomena. It provides new theoretical support for further study on irony.

      In recent years, American sitcoms are quite popular in China, especially the Big Bang Theory, which involves lots of ironic dialogues. Therefore, this paper chooses the Big Bang Theory as the corpus and Relevance Theory as a framework to research the use of verbal irony.

      This paper aims at inspiring future research to apply Relevance Theory to the analysis of languages. It is also helpful for the audience to understand and appreciate the plot of sitcoms better. English learners can benefit a lot too. They can understand and use the verbal irony, enhance their abilities of English application, and improve the quality and efficiency of communication.


      Keywords: Irony  Relevance Theory  the Big Bang Theory

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述: 近年來,美式情景劇在中國大受歡迎,尤其以《生活大爆炸》為最,而其中的反諷對話也是多到不勝枚舉。因此,本文以《生活大爆炸》為語料,選擇斯柏伯和威爾遜的關聯理論當作框......
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