

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Jack Kerouac and On the Road-1

      1.2 Literature Review-2

      1.3 The Composition of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two The Analysis of Dean’s Rebellion and Pursuit of Fate-4

      2.1The Social Background and Reality4

      2.2 The Analysis of Dean’s Rebellion-4

      2.1.1 The Behavioral Rebellion of Dean-4

      2.1.2 The Spiritual Rebellion of Dean-5

      2.3 The Analysis of Dean’s Pursuit of Fate-6

      Chapter Three Factors Contributing to Dean’s Rebellion and Pursuits-8

      3.1 The Religious Factor-8

      3.2 The Social Factor-8

      3.3 The Cultural Factor-9

      Chapter Four Conclusion-11




      Jack Kerouac is the representative of “Beat Generation”. His novel is recognized for his method of spontaneous prose. On the Road describes the ridiculous life experiences of a group of young people after the World War II. It tells the story of Dean Moriarty, who had characteristic of both devil and angel, traveled to pursue his own spiritual freedom. To some extent, the novel is a semi-autobiography, shadowing the writer’s personal experiences. This thesis intends to explore the cause and content of Dean’s rebellion and pursuit. His family background and the way he grows up make that he is responsible for himself and explores different possibilities of life. In addition, this thesis also explore that the real pursuit of Dean which is spiritual freedom and recovering his original simplicity. 

      This thesis consists of four parts. The first part is an introduction to Jack Kerouac’s life and works, On the Road and literature reviews about the novel, and the composition of this paper. The second part focuses on Dean’s rebellion and his pursuits of fate, including the social reality of his rebellion and pursuit. The third part is the main body of this thesis, exploring the factors which contributed to Dean’s rebellion and pursuit. The last part is a conclusion which summarizes and interprets the main idea of this thesis.

      Keywords: Jack Kerouac  On the Road  rebellion and pursuit  spiritual freedom

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文共包含四個部分,第一部分是緒論,介紹了作家的平生,《在路上》的背景信息和小說的研究現狀以及本篇論文的結構。第二部分主要分析主人公的人物反叛內容和命運追求,以及......
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