

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Information of Thomas Hardy-1

      1.2 A Brief Learning of Far from the Madding Crowd-1

      1.3 Literature Review-2

      1.4 Composition of the Paper-3

      Chapter Two Eco-feminism-4

      2.1 The Definition of Eco-feminism-4

      2.2 Branches of Eco-feminism-4

      2.3 Hardy’s Eco-feminist Consciousness-5

      Chapter Three An Eco-feminist Reading of Bathsheba’s Tradegy-6

      3.1 Close Relationship between Bathsheba and Nature-6

      3.2 Causes of Bathsheba’s Tragedy-6

      3.2.1 Oppression of Capitalist Industrial Civilization-6

      3.2.2 Victim of the Patriarchal Society-7

      Chapter Four Awakening of Women’s Consciousness-9

      4.1 Fighting for the Equal Rights between Men and Women-9

      4.2 Seeking Harmony between Human and Nature-10

      Chapter Five Conclusion-12





      Thomas Hardy (1837-1901) is a famous British writer and poet of Victorian time. In 1874, Far from the Madding Crowd was published which laid the foundation of Hardy’s literary career development. This book tells a love story between a woman and three men. Beautiful young Bathsheba inherits her uncle's farm. Oak falls in love with her at first sight, but he is rejected by Bathsheba. At the same time, the farmer Boldwood is also in love with Bathsheba. When everyone believes that they will be together, Bathsheba gets married with a handsome young sergeant Troy. But their married life is not happy. After a series of events, Bathsheba loses her husband and farms. Oak returns to the heroine and the story ends.

      Hardy is very sympathetic to women who live in the male-dominated society, and women are his inspiration for writing. Meanwhile, Hardy is also good at describing nature which reflects women's emotional changes and living conditions. He describes nature and women as an integral whole, which are at the edge of the patriarchal society. Hardy’s novels contain a strong ecological consciousness, calling on the respect for nature and women as well as the establishment of an equal and harmonious society.

      This paper will read Far from the Madding Crowd in the light of ecological feminism. By analyzing the independence of the heroine Bathsheba and her attitude towards love and marriage in the patriarchal society, this paper tries to expound the special relationship between women and nature and the root of women’s tragedy at that time. The purpose of the paper is to arouse people’s attention to both women and nature in order to establish a society in which men and women have the same social status and human and nature can exist harmoniously.


      Keywords: Thomas Hardy  Far from the Madding Crowd  Eco-feminism 

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本論文主要運用生態女性主義理論解讀《遠離塵囂》。通過分析女主人公芭絲謝芭在父權社會中獨立性格以及她對于愛情和婚姻所表現出的捍衛姿態,本文試圖闡述女性和自然的獨特關......
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