

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background of the Research-1

      1.2 Significance of the Research-1

      1.3 Thesis Structure-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-2

      2.1 Previous Studies on Translation of CI-2

      2.2 Previous Studies on Text Typology-3

      Chapter Three E-C Translation of CI Based on Text Typology-4

      3.1 Features and Functions of CI-4

      3.2 Text Typology as a Guide for E-C Translation of CI-5

      3.3 Strategies in E-C Translation of CI-6

      3.3.1 Literal Translation-6

      3.3.2 Literal Translation plus Annotation-7

      3.3.3 Free Translation-8

      Chapter Four Conclusion-10





      Cosmetics are considered to be necessities in every human being’s daily life, and when people purchase cosmetics, the instructions of the products become the most important reference tool. Now the phenomenon of people to buy imported cosmetics has become more and more common, so how to render the English version of the manual into Chinese and successfully attract consumers’ attention to purchase such cosmetics become one of the important issues in E-C translation of instructions of cosmetics.

          This paper uses the text typology as a theoretical basis and CI either in English or Chinese collected from the Internet as examples to explore the text types and functions of CI. The study shows that CI in English and Chinese have three textual functions: to provide the information of the product, to stimulate the consumer’s desire to buy products, and to make the sensation and pleasure of the consumer. These three functions are complementary to each other and can be found throughout the full text of the CI. After summarizing these functions of CI, this paper puts forward three translation strategies, so as to obtain more specialized translated version.


      Keywords: CI  E-C translation  Text Typology 

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文運用文本類型理論作為理論基礎,從英特網上采集了部分中英化妝品說明書為例加以研究,從而探索化妝品說明書的文本類型及功能。研究表明,化妝品說明書英漢文本具有三種文......
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