

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Research Background-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research-1

      1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Previous Researches-3

      2.2 Theoretical Framework-3

      2.2.1 About Culture-3

      2.2.2 About Translation-4

      2.2.3 Culture and Translation-4

      2.2.4 The Causes of Cross-cultural Differences-4

      Chapter Three Suggested Translation Methods for Advertisements from Cross-Cultural Perspective-7

      3.1 Brief Introduction to Advertisement-7

      3.1.1 The Functions of Advertisement-7

      3.1.2 The Characteristics of Advertising Text-8

      3.2 Suggested Translation Methods-8

      3.2.1 Literal Translation-8

      3.2.2 Free Translation-9

      3.2.3 Parody-11

      3.2.4 Sentence Pattern Transformation-13

      Chapter Four Conclusion-14

      4.1 Major Findings-14

      4.2 Limitations-14





      As one of the cross-cultural communicative activities, the translation of advertisement between Chinese and English is not merely a matter to convey the basic information of advertising but also a matter to communicate and transmit cultures among different countries. This thesis first analyzes the cultural differences in English and Chinese advertisements from the perspective of cross-culture, and then it studies and summarizes the feasible translation methods for the translation of advertisement between Chinese and English by means of analyzing examples. It advocates the flexible employment of various translation methods so as to make translation accurate, concise, readable and conform to the original advertising style as far as possible.


      Keywords: cross-cultural difference  advertisement  translation method 

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:英漢廣告翻譯是一種跨文化交際活動,目的不僅在于傳達廣告的基本含義,也關乎到文化間的交流與傳播。本文從跨文化角度分析英漢廣告之間存在的文化差異,通過實例分析總結中英......
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