

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小妖 更新時間:2018-02-24
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      Abstract:The Kite Runner is a tragic of common Afghanistan, which describes the betrayal and redemption. This tragic story is till carrying reader's heart. Hassan has various virtues, such as, innocence, kindness. But he doesn't have a smoothly life. He is an ill-fated man. Not only does this novel depict the figure of Amir, but also describe the Hassan’s brave and kindness characteristics. Although Hassan is just only an ugly servant, he doesn’t hesitate at all to pay for him too much, and he puts his whole mind to Amir. This paper deeply analyzes Hassan’s loyalty and kindness, brave and stubbornness to reveal the most real intrinsic quality of people and the significance of modern society.


      Key words:Hassan; The Kite Runner; Kindness; Stubbornness





      1. Introduction-1

      2. Analyses of Hassan's Characters in The Kite Runner-1

      2.1 Loyalty and Kindness-1

      2.2 Bravery-3

      2.3 Resignation-5

      2.4 Stubbornness-6

      3. The Influence of Hassan's Characters upon Modern Society7

      4. Conclusion-9



      上傳會員 小妖 對本文的描述:《追風箏的人》是一個平凡阿富汗人的悲劇,描述了友誼的背叛與救贖,深深地震撼了廣大讀者的心靈。主人公哈桑天真善良,卻一生慘淡,命運多舛。小說不僅深刻地刻畫了阿米爾這......
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