

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小妖 更新時間:2018-02-24
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      Abstract: In the current society, television and movie have become an indispensable part of people’s lives. People learn about a lot of new domestic and overseas things to broaden people’s horizon. They make the life become colorful instead of a dull and tedious life. The creators of television and movie utilize this point and start to develop the television and movie industry so that the television and movie is commercializing. They usually ignore the contents of a television or a movie which will have the negative effects on people. The programs of a television or a film are a double-edge sword. It can make people’s lives colorful. However, there are lots of bad effects. Especially, for children, the television and movie has become the first choice of children’s recognition and entertainment. This thesis depicts that the negative TV-movie shows will influence the children’s outlook on life and value by describing the influence of some negative contents of the television and movie to children’s language and behavior. What’s more, some violent televisions and movies of all are the worst effect on children. Children have a strong curiosity and the ability of imitating as,and they have so little recognition ability that they can’t judge which one is true. So they walk a wrong way easily. Therefore, every character has a different and important responsibility for children, such as parents, school and government. The nation has an inescapable responsibility to supervise the television and movie media.


      Key words: television and movie violence; negative effects; protective measures






      2. The Origin of Television and Movie Violence-1

      2.1 The Demand of Audience-2

      2.2 The Provoking of Economic Interest-2

      2.3 The Acceptable Capacity of Children-2

      3. The Violent Types of Television and Movie-3

      3.1 Language Violence of Television and Movie-3

      3.2 Behavior Violence of Television and Movie-3

      3.3 Concept Violence of Television and Movie-4

      4. The Effect of Television and Movie Violence on Children-4

      4.1 The Negative Effect on the Behavior of Children-4

      4.2 The Misleading Values of Children’s Lives-4

      4.3 Children’s Indifference to Social Morality Values and Extreme Individualism Prevalence-5

      5. The Measures of Preventing Children from Television and Movie Violence-5

      5.1 The Protective Measures of Families-6

      5.2 The Protective Measures of Schools-7

      5.2.1The Consolidation of Education of Children’s Thought and Morality-8

      5.2.2 The Improvement of Children’s Legal Institution Education-8

      5.2.3 Attention of the Mental Change of Children and Consolidation Mental Education-8

      5.3 The Protective Measures of the Television and Movie Media Itself-9

      5.3.1 The Improvement of the Quality of the Television and Movie Media-9

      5.3.2 The Establishment of a Correct Outlook on Profits-9

      5.4 The Protective Measures of National Government-10

      5.4.1 The Propaganda and Guidance of Television and Movie Media-10

      5.4.2 Strengthening the Supervision of the Television and Movie-10

      5.4.3 Drawing Lessons from Other Local Grading System-10

      6. Conclusion-11



      上傳會員 小妖 對本文的描述:通過描寫不良影視媒體對孩子語言和行為的影響來闡述不良的影視節目內容將影響孩子的人生觀、價值觀,使其走上犯罪的道路。其中暴力影視對孩子的影響尤為突出,而孩子擁有強烈......
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