

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小妖 更新時間:2018-02-24
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      Abstract:Robert Frost is famous for winning the Pulitzer Prize for four times and he is the “ poet laureate of American literature ”. In the 20th century he is regarded as the most well known American poets. Robert Frost devoted all his life to write poetry. He had written and published many famous poems. There is a most popular poet in Robert Frost's third poetry anthology " Mountain Interval ", which is named " The Road Not Taken ". Frost worked as a shoemaker, teacher and farmer during his lifetime, most themes of his poems are derived from rural life, not only has a strong village colors, but also full of symbolism and philosophical significance. As we know, everyone have learned " The Road Not Taken " in school, so people are very familiar with it. In this poem, the road in the forest symbolizes the way of life, making people to think about choosing the way of their life. And the philosophical significance can be seen in the symbolism poem. By analyzing the content, rhythm, writing techniques,  philosophical significance of " The Road Not Taken ", people will deeply understand this poem and know that everyone will face a lot of choices in his lifetime, one man can only select one way and there in no turning back, so we must make a discreet and correct choice.


      Key words:rhythm; rhyme; feature; symbolism; philosophy





      1. Introduction-1

      2. The Author of poetry-1

      3. Content of Poetry-3

      4. Rhythm and Rhyme-4

      5. Features of Poetry-4

      5.1 Feature of Language-4

      5.2 Feature of Voice-5

      5.3 Feature of Vocabulary-6

      5.4 Feature of Grammars-6

      6. Symbolism of Poetry-6

      7. Philosophy of Poetry-9

      8. Conclusion-11



      上傳會員 小妖 對本文的描述:在這首詩里,弗羅斯特巧妙地運用象征手法描寫林中岔路引起人們生動的聯想,烘托出人生岔路這樣具有哲理寓意的象征。作者將對《未選擇的路》這首詩的內容,詩歌節奏韻律,寫作......
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