

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小妖 更新時間:2018-02-24
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      Abstract:Family education is an important element of education. It is the basis of school education and social education. Family education plays an important role on individual development as well as for the progress of the society as a whole. Family education can not only reflect the progress of a nation, but also symbolize a nation’s culture. It embodies different nations have different cultures. This paper compares and analyzes the objectives, the methods and the contents of family education between China and Western countries, and explores different historical backgrounds, economic forms and thinking styles between China and western countries. Also this paper explores cultural differences on the impact of family education. By analyses and comparison, this paper summarizes the views of family education in China and western countries and different educational methods adapted in China and western countries, compares them in three aspects from objectives, contents and results, analyzes the reasons and makes conclusions: Chinese parents are supposed to change their outdated views, expand the field of family education and enrich the contents of family education so as to push forward the reform and development of education.


      Key Words:Chinese and Western family education; differences; communication; self-confidence





      1. Introduction-1

      2. The Introduction of Family Education in China-2

      2.1 Views of Chinese Family Education-2

      2.2 Common Methods Adopted in Chinese Family Education-3

      3. The Introduction of Family Education in Western Countries-4

      3.1 Views of Western Family Education-4

      3.2 Common Methods Adopted in Western Family Education-4

      4. Different Features of Family Education between China and  Western Countries-5

      4.1 Different Objectives of Family Education-5

      4.2 Diferent Contents of Family Education-6

      4.3 Different Results of Family Education-7

      5. Analyses on Reasons of the Differences in Chinese and Western Family Education-8

      5.1 Different Relationships between Family Members-9

      5.2 Different Thinking Styles-9

      5.3 Different Economic Patterns-9

      6. Views of Some Successful Experiences from Western Family Education-10

      6.1 Changing the Chinese Parents Views-10

      6.2 Fostering Children' s Self-confidence-10

      6.3 Strengthening Parent-child Communications-11

      7. Conclusion -11



      上傳會員 小妖 對本文的描述:本文從中西方國家的教育觀念、教育方式以及教育內容對中西家庭教育進行了對比分析,探討歷史背景差異、經濟形態差異以及思維風格差異導致的文化差異對中西家庭教育產生的影響......
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