

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小妖 更新時間:2018-02-24
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      Abstract: English idioms are not only the essence of English, but also the carrier of European and American culture. It comes from every aspect of life of English speaker, so English idioms are filled of strong ethnic style and distinctive cultural connotation. Although research on English idioms with written record has been started since 1925, academia still be short of the research that only focus on translation practice of English animal idioms from the way of pragmatic equivalence. This thesis is divided into three parts. Part one is an introduction of the actuality on translation of animal idioms. Part two is the definition of pragmatic equivalence theory, the dominating figure and the main idea. Part three is some detail about practical translation of English animal idioms from the perspective of pragmatic equivalence. Cultural difference and translation approaches will work on the translation effect, part three will include two things. The first one is how to deal with cultural difference in the pragmatic equivalent translation of English idioms. The following is how to choose the translation approach in English idiom.


      Key words: animal idioms; the pragmatic equivalence principle; translation approach; cultural difference





      1. Introduction-1

      2. Current Situation of English Animal Idioms’ Translation-1

      3. The Introduction of Pragmatic Equivalence Principle-2

      4. Translating English Animal Idioms from the Perspective of Pragmatic Equivalence-3

      4.1 Cultural Difference at Home and Abroad-4

      4.2 Choices of Translation Approaches-7

      4.2.1 Literal Translation-7

      4.2.2 Liberal Translation-8

      4.2.3 Corresponding Translation-9

      5. Conclusion-10



      上傳會員 小妖 對本文的描述:本文主要從以下幾個方面探討實踐中如何對英語動物習語進行語用對等翻譯處理:第一,介紹英語動物習語的翻譯現狀,說明使用語用對等理論翻譯習語的原因;第二,是介紹英語的語......
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