

      資料分類:中英譯文 上傳會員:易小編 更新時間:2014-08-21
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      外文出處:International Labour Information Project Liaison Officer Meeting. 

         In recent years, the employment of university gr aduates has emerged as an issue in that their employment rate has been on the decrease. The  Government attaches great importance to the employment of university graduates and has ma de efforts in widening employment channels, bridging the job demand and supply, strengthening vocational guidance, and providing employment and social security services etc. On ly very recently, the Chinese Government has held national conference a nd promulgated measures on promoting the employment of university graduates. Firstly,  the university graduates are encouraged………………

      上傳會員 易小編 對本文的描述:大學畢業生的就業、就業現狀外文翻譯-外文出處:International Labour Information Project Liaison Officer Meeting.......
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