

      資料分類:醫藥學院 上傳會員:lxswj2006 更新時間:2014-06-02
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      摘要:目的  統計43例甲亢病人的患病狀況并且就營養方面對比甲亢患者與普通人群的差別,提出合理建議。方法   采用問卷調查的方法統計兩類人群差別并比較其差別。結果   甲亢發病率近五年來顯著提高,甲亢患病率與親屬是否有甲亢關系密切;與食鹽加碘的關系不顯著;與十字花科蔬菜的使用比例有待研究。結論  國民應該對甲亢加以重視,尤其是甲亢的高危人群。此外,甲亢患者也應關注自己的身體情況,在飲食上應注意營養的均衡,盡量吃“無碘鹽”。

      關鍵詞:甲亢; 病例-對照; OR(比值比); 無碘鹽


      Abstract: Objective   Statistics of the disease in 43 patients with hyperthyroidism and compared with the general population of patients with hyperthyroidism difference in nutrition status and put forward reasonable Suggestions. Methods   The method of questionnaire statistical two kinds crowd difference and compares their differences. Result   Hyperthyroidism incidence increased significantly in nearly five years, The relationship with salt added iodine is not significant; And the use of cruciferous egetables ratio will continue to study. Conclusion   More attention should be paid to hyperthyroidism especially hyperthyroidism high-risk groups. In addition, Hyperthyroidism patients should also pay attention to own body condition, on food should pay attention to the balance of nutrients, Try to eat " Non-iodized salt ".

      Key words: hyperthyroidism; Case-Control Study; OR(odds ratio);  Non-iodized salt

      上傳會員 lxswj2006 對本文的描述:本次調查的目的是1.調查甲亢病人的營養狀況;2.甲亢病人的病情及治療情況;3.甲亢病人“無碘鹽”的使用狀況;4.運用病例-對照的方法調查甲亢患者與健康人的營養狀況,遺傳暴露比......
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