

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:xubanban 更新時間:2014-08-07
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:11730
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞 凝凍酸奶;質構;凝凍;穩定劑


      Abstract:The best process for preparing the frozen yogurt and the best category of stabilizers and the dosage added into the frozen yogurt are mainly studied. The influence of different stabilizers and its adding amounts on the textural sensory characteristics such as the hardness, adhesive and cohesion of the frozen yogurt are also discussed ,which in order to reaches the produing requirements of the frozen yogurt. The results are obtained through the study: the best ratio of whole milk and water is 1:8, the optimum adding amount of sucrose is 7%, the adding dosage of CMC-Na is 0.05%, the adding amount of monoglyceride is 0.05%and the best addition of sucrose ester is 0.1%. The best early fermentation processing parameters is also got: the fermentation time is 8h, the fermentation temperature is 42℃, the inoculation amount is 0.02%.By detecting the contents ,the amount of protein by Coomassie blue staining is 3.105ɡ/100ɡ and the amount of fat by Soxhlet extraction is 3.427ɡ/100g.

      Keywords  Frozen yogurt  Texture  Freezing  Stabilizer

      上傳會員 xubanban 對本文的描述:凝凍酸奶與酸奶具有相同的營養價值和保健功效的原因在于:凝凍酸奶的前期發酵工藝與酸奶的發酵工藝是相同的,唯一不同的可能是為了保證凝凍酸奶的膨脹率[2]和細膩度,添加了一......
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