

      資料分類:美術論文 上傳會員:happy 更新時間:2014-09-23
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      關鍵詞:公共藝術 工業文明 城市化


      Abstract:Public art is the urban space and human life, also as a part of the city the carrier of culture, through to the industrial civilization public art research revealed under industrial civilization to the impact of public art and elaborates the characteristics of public art. Under the background of industrial civilization, and at the same time, the rise of the city also contributed to the development of public art, in such an environment of public art should possess under what characteristic value of us thinking and research. The concept of public art and implanted in the overall planning of city, the harmonious development of urban future for bring new possible. For our country's public art development also provide some direction. This article through studies public art to explore the background of industrial civilization, under the public art characteristic, and the appropriate analyse how to let a city possesses good public works of art.

      Key words: Public art   industrial civilization   urbanization

      上傳會員 happy 對本文的描述:當網絡技術、數字影像技術、等諸多技術手段成為藝術創作的“材料”時,人們已經不能夠滿足被動地賞識藝術,而更多的要參與其中,要與其對話、交流。互動藝術就此產生,它是一......
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