

      資料分類:美術論文 上傳會員:小時代 更新時間:2013-08-28
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      關鍵詞:詩人情懷  寫實主義  共鳴  詩性


      Abstract:Both the realistic painting non-concrete side, but also a abstract side, this kind of abstraction is poetic. Wise's works is a good example. Whether his watercolor works, or canvas works, can convey such a poetic sense. The poet feelings have been unconscious influence his creation. Wise yearning rural America rural real life. His hometown of attachment to the feeling of infinite. Infinite to describe the American poetry country every inch of the land: simple houses, lonely beach, aromatic clay, the flowers and plants of fainthearted local was filled with the deep feeling and thought bosom. Because of his unique vernacular poet feelings, his work got many domestic and foreign people like his artistic concept, since the creation of the innumerable painter influence style. So he was acclaimed as a U.S. homesickness realism master of painting. 

      Key words:The poet feelings     realism     resonance    poetic


      上傳會員 小時代 對本文的描述:懷斯的作品就是很好的例子。不管是他的水彩作品,還是油畫作品,都能傳達出這樣一種詩意的感覺。這種詩人情懷一直潛意識的影響著他的創作。懷斯向往美國鄉村田園的現實生活。......
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